“It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality,” (NIV)
Now more than ever, this instruction from God has become more relevant in our lives. With the scourge of HIV/AIDS, unwanted teen pregnancies and a host of other diseases plaguing contemporary South African society, the need for purity through abstinence has become greater than ever.
The Silver Ring Thing live show held in Northcliff, Johannesburg, on the 5th March 2011 was filled with over 1,200 young people. The official attendance was 1,200. Of these, 1,140 young people answered the call to commit to abstinence until marriage – that is a whopping 95% of the audience! You are not alone – abstinence CAN be the norm!
About 200 (16%) of the audience trusted Jesus Christ as their Saviour for the first time – the angels in heaven celebrate. About 500 (41%) young people recommitted themselves to live their lives for Christ. All praise to God alone for His grace!
The Silver Ring Thing show is presented in a way which young people can relate to, and the entire performance deals with issues which are relevant in the lives of our young people.
The central theme running through the show is an evangelistic message which is centred on forgiveness, and grants the opportunity to avail oneself of a “second virginity” through a renewed commitment to the call for purity and abstinence by purchasing a ring which symbolizes the decision to abstain and remain pure, and serves as a constant reminder of that decision.
The inspiration for the Silver Ring Thing comes from 1Thessalonians 4:3-4, and places an emphasis on living a life which pleases God, and achieving sanctification by placing our faith in Christ.
Below follows personal testimonies from people who attended the event :
“Hallo. Ek wil baie dankie sê vir die aanbieding van “the silver ring thing”. Toe my kinders by my kom in laas week en vra of hulle mag gaan (12 & 14) het ek bietjie navorsing daaroor gaan doen en hulle toe vergesel na die aanbieding. Dit het werklik vir my aangeraak om soveel jong mense opgewonde te sien – nie net vir Jesus nie, maar ook om hulleself rein te hou. Dit was voorwaar ‘n belewenis vir my en my kinders. Mag God julle ryklik seen! Anél Du Preez, Ouer, Johannesburg”
I am 20 years old and I would like to join the crew, I was at the Mosaiek theatre on Saturday night, 5 March 2011, for that show, and I must say I really enjoyed it, I even bought myself a silver ring, because I think it will change many of our youths lives, like it changed mine, I feel that by putting a ring on your finger means you agree to the Lord’s Word.” Kyle Alworth-Elvey
Please click here for more information on the exciting Project 434-click Here, or visit http://www.silverringthing.co.za/project434/. This is an excellent follow-up, as well as a way to reach other children within your circle of influence.