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KidZ at Heart


Support ttt4c through your MySchool card

Support ttt4c through your MySchool card

Every time you swipe your card, you make a difference. Support Turn the Tide 4 Children (ttt4c) by simply using your MySchool card at participating partner stores.

The MySchool acts as a channel which raises and delivers essential funding to schools and charities in order to improve education and social development in South Africa. This enables members of the community to participate in the future development of our nation in a sustainable way.

As supporters, you will use your MySchool supporter cards whenever you transact with one of the MySchool business partners. A small percentage of your transaction is then allocated to ttt4c. All these transactions are recorded and a statement is sent to you, the individual supporters on a monthly basis.

Apply for your own MySchool card and support ttt4c!

Apply for your own MySchool card and support ttt4c!

The supporter card is not a debit or credit but serves as a measure through which valuable supporter data, such as transactions and funds raised for ttt4c, are tracked.

MySchool has three brands (MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet) which is simply their way of classifying the organisations that they support.

The system is the same: one card that you can swipe whenever you shop at participating stores.

The benefits are the same: every swipe will support your chosen beneficiary, namely ttt4c, at no cost to you.

The card is the same: the MySchool card is the umbrella brand that represents the MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet programme. You can use the one card your entire life – even if you wish to change your beneficiary you don’t need to get a new card. This is to reduce setup costs for the schools and charities we support and to reduce plastic waste.

There are over 2 500 partner locations nationwide where you can swipe your MySchool card. The Partners will donate between 0,25% and 5% of your purchase to ttt4c every time you present your card – it is so easy!

Apply for your MySchool Card today (click here) and support Turn the Tide 4 Children. Under the section ‘1st school to support’ please select ‘Turn the Tide 4 Children (MyVillage)’.

For more information on MySchool, please click here.

Every swipe counts!

turn the tide 4 children

turn the tide 4 children